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Meet Lida Ghaderi MD October 12, 2008

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Lida Ghaderi, M.D. founded the CENIGENT Health Enhancement Medical Institute and created The CENIGENT Peak Health & Vitality Program™ to practice the highest quality and most effective medicine. By spending ample time with each patient and creating personalized medical therapies that are predictive, preventive, and restorative for each individual, her focus is to address and optimize each causal and vital parameter of health decline, allowing maximum health, wellness, vitality and joy to emerge in each and every patient.

Dr. Ghaderi earned her Medical Doctorate from the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine – one of the country’s leading medical schools – in 1995. Her bachelor’s degree, from the University of California, Irvine, is in biological sciences. A magna cum laude graduate, she also received numerous honors including fellowship in the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society. She completed her post-doctoral training in Internal Medicine, received her board certification in Internal Medicine, and was appointed a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1998.

Throughout her academic career, Lida Ghaderi has consistently demonstrated distinction. Having immigrated to the United States in 1983, she soon thereafter was the valedictorian of her high school graduating class and, since then, has received numerous awards for her academic achievements and clinical innovations.

Dr. Ghaderi’s broad research experience includes the fields of neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, psychological disorders and physical chemistry-picoseconds laser spectroscopy. She has worked under the guidance of several renowned researchers – including Dr. Peter Rentzepis, an esteemed Nobel Prize nominee.

While having developed a very solid and strong foundation in conventional medicine, and having practiced in a variety of settings (hospital, outpatient, HMO, urgent care centers) for a decade, Dr. Ghaderi always kept abreast of cutting-edge advancements in various fields of biology and medicine. She became interested in a systems approach to predict, prevent and treat age-related health decline and chronic diseases.

Her interests expanded to embrace customized genetics-based medicine and therapeutics by utilizing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assess individual risk factors and to personalize therapies, ensuring better results and safety profiles.

Since 2002 she has received extensive training and conducted ample independent research in a variety of leading-edge medical disciplines including Age Management Medicine, Functional Medicine, Genomics-Epigenomics and Nutritional Genomics, Mitochondrial Biology, rigorous science-based Complementary Alternative Therapies, and Chronic Stress Reduction Modalities. She augmented her training by working with several noted pioneers in each field. Dr. Ghaderi obtained her certification in Thought Field Therapy under Dr. Roger Callahan’s personal instruction and has achieved great success in patient outcomes with her new, comprehensive and complete methodologies.

Dr. Ghaderi was a physician at the internationally renowned Whitaker Center, and served as the youngest Medical Director of La Vida Medical Group, a large multi-specialty medical center in Los Angeles. While there, she created preventive protocols for the center and was recognized for her overall clinical excellence and innovation.

Dr. Ghaderi is an active member of the American Medical Association, American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, the Epigenetic Society, the American Society of Human Genetics, the Hormone Foundation, the Endocrine Society, Institute of Functional Medicine, the Society for Free Radical Biology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Lida Ghaderi lives in West Los Angeles and enjoys nature, kayaking, running, skiing, swimming and yoga. She immensely loves reading and learning in a diverse range of topics … including the biological sciences, physics (quantum mechanics and entanglement), psychology, philosophy and literature. She is currently working on a new book to be released in 2009, and takes much pleasure in oil painting, sculpting and writing.

Aging Well is a Choice… and It’s Yours To Make

You can explore whether the CENIGENT Enhancement Program is for you immediately by downloading “Age Less. Live More. The Get Started Guide to Restoring and Enjoying Peak Health” free of charge.  Simply click on the image below.

Lida Ghaderi MD's Groundbreaking Ebook "Age Less Live More"

Lida Ghaderi MD

Why CENIGENT? Customized Care Plans! October 3, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, Health, immune system, lida ghaderi, Uncategorized, Wellness.
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Why CENIGENT?  Customized Care Plans!

Welcome to a New Era in Personalized Healthcare

At CENIGENT, our only focus is your health and wellbeing. With our unique service delivery methods, you receive world class health services that are personal, customized and 100% focused on you.
CENIGENT caters to patients who are accustomed to the best and serious about restoring and maintaining peak health and vitality.

We believe that quality healthcare begins with comprehensiveness and education; beginning with emphasizing that aging and the onset of chronic disease and deteriorating health occurs over time; and so does meaningful restorative care. Ample time is required at every level, from initial assessment to recommendations and customized therapeutic programs. From fine-tuning your progress to coaching and helping you enjoy your commitment to making lifestyle modifications, we pledge to provide each client with appropriate services, support, guidance and coaching – working with you in partnership to restore balance and optimal health.

Many other programs and services are one shot deals, after which you are left to fend for yourself. At CENIGENT, we believe in a personal, collaborative and focused relationship between you and your doctor.

Let Us Focus On Your Health… So you Can Focus on Your Life

We focus on your health… by offering CENIGENT Enhancement programs that are a full 52 weeks long – ample time for us to get to know you, customize therapies and treatments that are right for you, and working with you to modify lifestyle choices. The result is gradual yet noticeable restoration to peak health and vitality …so you can focus on your life.
Your Days of Taking a Number are Over with CENIGENT

Lasting Results from Personalized ‘One to One’ Care

In many conventional medical clinics and practices, a doctor takes on as many patients as possible, with some seeing as many as 6 patients each hour. Personal care is near to impossible when a doctor is seeing 2,000 to 4,000 patients a year! The CENIGENT approach is different – you will work one on one with your personal doctor for a full 52 weeks. None of our doctors take on more than 70 patients a year. Depending upon which CENIGENT Enhancement Program you choose, you will even have privileged, direct cell phone access to your personal doctor.
Each time you visit CENIGENT, your appointments will last 1 to 3 hours, you will never be asked to wait and you will never be rushed through your appointment. Our priority is you – and our commitment is to treat each appointment with focus, concern and genuine interest in your health and progress. As appropriate, your doctor will fine tune your program, order tests, make periodic corrections and provide you with education to ensure you achieve both short and long term goals.
How Can You Start Restoring Peak Health with CENIGENT?

It begins with the most comprehensive and complete health assessment and executive physical examination you’ve ever experienced which can take from 3 to 6 hours.

Your personal doctor utilizes the most advanced medical and genetic testing, including testing of more than 400 cellular biomarkers, complete predictive lab test, head to toe imaging & diagnostic and screening tests, and research to identify your unique health risks and to create your customized Personal Plan for Peak Health.

You and your personal doctor will discuss the recommended Therapies & Services and your CENIGENT doctor will carefully explain how these services will effectively optimize your 8 Vital CENIGENT Systems and restore your body to peak health and vitality. You are also encouraged to ask as many questions as you need to – your peace of mind is very important to the CENIGENT team.

Aside from your chosen therapies, you will also have many follow-up visits during your 52 weeks to monitor, fine tune, further assess and schedule follow-up testing. Education and personal coaching are ongoing during your CENIGENT Program to make certain your lifestyle habits are being effectively changes to achieve peak health.

What Respected Professionals Say About Lida Ghaderi MD September 17, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, dr. lida ghaderi, Health, immune system, lida ghaderi, lida ghaderi md, nervous system, Wellness.
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What Respected Professionals Say About Lida Ghaderi MD

Lida Ghaderi MD

Lida Ghaderi MD

“We found Dr. Ghaderi a most thorough and knowledgeable professional. Her personalized, caring approach to our health problems was a welcome departure from that of conventional medical practitioners. We unhesitatingly recommend her to anyone seeking improvements in their health and vitality.”

Amos Jordan, Ph.D
U.S. Army Brigadier General, Retired
Former senior White House and
Departments of State and Defense Official

“Dr. Lida Ghaderi is the type of physician I would choose for my own health care. Her commitment to each patient as an individual, and to their care as a total person, is unprecedented.”

Christopher C. Chidi, M.D.
President & CEO
La Vida Medical Group & IPA

“Dr. Ghaderi is a dedicated and respected clinician, who brings a great enthusiasm and sincere caring to her patients and their families. She always went above and beyond expectations to provide the highest quality patient care, and in one instance, was responsible for the diagnosis of a rare infectious disease in a young man that was missed by an entire team of experienced and seasoned clinicians. I have great respect for Dr. Ghaderi, and can recommend her without reservation. She is a great doctor and colleague.”

Alexander Strachan, Jr., M.D.
Medical Director, Hospitalist Program,
Eisenhower Medical Center

Understanding The Nervous System by Lida Ghaderi September 11, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, dr. lida ghaderi, Health, immune system, lida ghaderi, lida ghaderi md, nervous system, Wellness.
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The Nervous System

An Unrivaled Microprocessor
The nervous system which includes your brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, and all the peripheral nerves in your body, is an exceedingly complex and highly specialized network that organizes, explains, and directs interaction between you, your other CENIGENT systems and the world around you.

Your nervous system is the control center for both voluntary and involuntary functions such as heart beat, movement, balance, eating, breathing, learning, cognition, decision making, and coordination.
It swiftly communicates with and impacts your other CENIGENT systems, as well as being impacted by certain other systems including endocrine, immune, genetic and cellular (mitochondria) systems. The communication network in your brain is a multi-trillion maze of connections capable of performing 20 billion calculations per second.

How does this network operate? There are three major players

1. Special nerve cells called neurons, which power the message
2. Neurotransmitters, which create the message
3. Receptors, which receive the message

Neurotransmitters are chemicals (mainly found in nerve cells) that communicate information and give instruction to other cells in the nervous system, including cells in the brain, spinal cord, central and peripheral nerves, as well as elsewhere in the CENIGENT systems.

There are many neurotransmitters in the human body; approximately 10 small neurotransmitters and over 50 neuroactive peptides are known:

Norepinephrin: a neurotransmitter that is needed for motivation, alertness and concentration:
Acetylcholine: Is crucial for memory, muscle movement digestion and lowering chronic inflammation.
Serotonin: A natural calming and mood lifting neurotransmitter.
GABA: Another neurotransmitter, GABA, primarily quiets the brain and directly impacts the endocrine system; it has even been shown to slow certain cancer cells.
Dopamine: Known as the “reward” neurotransmitter, dopamine is needed for healthy assertiveness, movement, sexual arousal, and proper immune health. Alcohol, caffeine and sugar have all been shown to lower dopamine action!

Your CENIGENT assessment includes a comprehensive evaluation and detailed testing of several neurotransmitter metabolites; environmental neurotoxins, numerous neurological and genetic markers and imaging studies of this critical “command center”, followed by a detailed action plan including targeted amino acid therapy (TAAT) to allow for peak nervous system optimization.


Lida Ghaderi

Click this picture to learn more!

Should We Be More Careful About What We Eat? Absolutely! by Lida Ghaderi September 10, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, Health, immune system, lida ghaderi, Wellness.
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The Nutrigenomics System Explained by Lida Ghaderi

Should We Be More Careful About What We Eat?


One new field to emerge from the Human Genome Project is the field of nutrigenomics. Studies and evidence show that diet is a major factor in many chronic diseases. Yet genetic research is now revealing that the degree to which diet influences your health (good or bad) depends on your unique genetic makeup. Common dietary chemicals (nutrients) affect balance between health and disease by impacting the expression of your genes.
Most chemicals in food are nutrients that are metabolized to provide energy for the cells or they are involved in key reactions. Other chemicals in food don’t get metabolized at all. They peel off and become “ligands,” molecules that bind to proteins involved in “turning on or off” certain genes to one degree or another.

If your diet is out of balance for your specific genetic make up, it could cause gene expressions that might lead to chronic illness.
If your diet is out of balance for your specific genetic make up, it could cause gene expressions that might lead to chronic illness.

Lida Ghaderi

Lida Ghaderi

Remember that Methylation, the process of adding a methyl group (derived from methane CH4; it has the formula –CH3), discussed in the previous section, slows down through the process of aging. Methylation is critical for gene silencing, as well as making certain critical neurotransmitters and amino acids. It’s also essential for running numerous metabolic reactions in the body.
Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid provide the body with Methyl groups. Research has found that certain individuals with selected SNPs have a slowed down Methylation system and will not respond to all forms of vitamin B12 or Folic Acid. Knowing this type of information allows for a customized plan to ensure adequate Methylation and that is where CENIGENT can help.

Taking this and information related to all 8 vital systems, the CENIGENT program includes genetic evaluation, including testing for a variety of SNPs. Based on the subtle genetic coding that is uniquely yours, your personal CENIGENT doctor will know which nutritional factors will have a positive impact on your health and which ones you should avoid – allowing you to achieve and enjoy peak health and make better informed choices.

Understanding The Immune System by Dr. Lida Ghaderi September 8, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, Health, Wellness.
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Lida Ghaderi MD

Lida Ghaderi MD

Understanding The Immune System

Constant Surveillance & Error Correction

The Immune system is yet another amazing and critical pillar that impacts many aspects of your functioning through communication with all the other CENIGENT systems – mutually exchanging information, receiving and conferring.
Your immune system is your body’s self-esteem. Think of it as a refined and cohesive blend of an army’s central intelligence system, hospital, judge, proofreader, teacher and janitorial service. The immune system has soldiers, correction officers and guards named T-cells and B-cells, macrophages, monocytes, natural killer cells and others that also produce a variety of unique chemical signals called cytokines. These cytokines provide specific information to a variety of other cells.

All the soldiers, guards and correction officers are in constant communication, checking for errors inside cells, identifying and battling foreign invaders and instructing other systems on how to deal with problems. Ironically, the immune system has the power to fight disease and prevent us from catching a common cold, yet it can also be the underlying reason we get sick. A healthy immune system has an arsenal of tools and weapons to do its job. It can shoot holes in the invader, tag or capture it for others to deal with or repair the problem.
Inflammation is a natural life preserving process of recruiting the immune system’s artillery to curb infections, offending organisms, toxins, injury and error. We may experience it as swelling, fever, or redness. If, however, this life saving inflammation becomes ongoing at your cell level we call it chronic Inflammation. Chronic inflammation at your cell level becomes a trigger for many other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s and many other conditions such as osteoporosis, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, cancers, and metabolic syndrome to name a few.
Chronic inflammation instructs our genetic system to create more damaging inflammatory chemicals by activating a dangerous genetic reader called Nuclear Factor Kappa B (NFKB) (you may explore this in more detail in the epigenetic section). Chronic inflammation can lead to the shrinking of specific types of nerve cells which are involved in learning and memory as well as to lower specific hormones such as testosterone.

In short, Chronic Cellular Inflammation is WAR on our bodies…

As we age, our overall immune function declines. Combine that with a decline in hormones, chronic stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins such as garden herbicides, pesticides, industrial toxins and heavy metals, adverse lifestyle habits, certain drugs, chemicals, and your genetic susceptibility, plus a decline in your cellular and mitochondrial health, and your immune system is very likely to become faulty.
An example of a faulty overactive immune system is when it attacks itself, giving rise to a variety of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, or inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis to name a few.
Whether it is chronic Inflammation at your cellular level, a declining immune system as a result of aging, and/or the failure of your immune system to distinguish self proteins from foreign proteins, it can to lead to a lack of vitality and, at its very worst – debilitating chronic diseases.

At CENIGENT we meticulously assess every aspect of your immune system, which is possible through extensive health questionnaires and testing of specific immune markers, markers of cellular inflammation, a variety of inflammation promoting cytokines as well as testing for chronic bacterial and viral exposure, and toxic heavy metal levels.
We also test you for specific food allergies and check the health of your digestive system, both of which are critical factors as whether or not your immune system is functioning at its peak level. A complete action plan is then designed and implemented to restore and balance your immune system.

For more information visit http://www.cenigent.com/

Unlock A Healthier You! by Dr. Lida Ghaderi September 5, 2008

Posted by lidaghaderi in anti-aging, Health, immune system, lida ghaderi, Uncategorized, Wellness.
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by Dr. Lida Ghaderi

Your endocrine system can help you process and convert sugar, feel satisfied after a meal, warn you of stress or danger, or allow you to remain calm and solution oriented in the face of challenges. The relationship among the endocrine glands demands that they work in harmony, and that hormone levels stay within specific ranges to maintain system integration as well as function optimally. If hormone levels go above or below a certain level, the chemical messenger’s instruction can be dramatically altered, or it may fail to send a signal at all.

As we age, most hormones and receptors naturally decline, and so do the other CENIGENT systems. If the other CENIGENT systems are not operating at optimal levels, this too can lower hormones. Additionally, there are external factors that can stimulate or inhibit hormonal secretions to abnormal, problem causing levels such as poor nutrition, chronic stress and toxic environmental exposures.

You should know that I do not recommend hormone optimization until you’ve completed an intensive, comprehensive evaluation, screening diagnostics, right down to your genetic coding including checking for certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Genetic SNP profiling provides us with unique information on how your hormones are broken down by your body, your body’s intolerance to its own hormones and what other risk factors you may have.

For more information visit http://www.cenigent.com/

Age Less. Live More. by Dr. Lida Ghaderi

Dr. Lida Ghaderi

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